SHUGRIN Antoly Ivanovich
Painter, sculpturer and graphic art master
About this website
On this webside the information about talanted but poorely know artist SHUGRIN Anatoliy Ivanovich is presented.
It is an attempt to make his creativity more known to wide auditory.
It would be greatly apprecitated if somebody could provide any information about his works, apprentices, colleagues etc. It is also great if somebody is interested in collaborating with exhibition organising...
The art of A.I. Shugrin
Some drawings, sculptures and graphic arts
The catalogue, published in USA
(with comments of Norton Dodge, Valentina Shapiro and Vladimir Sirota)
Briefly about Anatoly Shugrin
N.M. Grigoriev and M.K. Sokolov were his teachers. Despite his works are presented in many world famous museums and in many private collections in Russia and abroad, the author in not well known.
There were several exhibitions in thirties of the last century, but he did not present his work for public any more with few exception for his close relatives and friends because of his teacher's destiny: M. Sokolov was send to Siberia during Stalins era. During this trip the vast majority of Sokolov's works perished. This made Shugrin avoid public relations for decades.
Most of the works were bought and exhibited in 1982 in the USA. "The Washington Post" (December 2, 1982) highly appreciated the works of A.I. Shugrin .
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